Saturday, December 5, 2015

Brown v. Board of Education

   Linda Brown in her words talked about when she thought she was going to be able to enroll in the school with her playmates. She stated I was sit outside of the secretary and while he was in the inner office I could her voices and hear voices his voices raise, you know as the conversation went on. An then immediately came out of the office took me by the hand and we walked home from the school. I just couldn't understand what happening because I was going to school with my friends. Just reading that i couldn't imagine being the father in this situation and telling your daughter that she can't go to her friends school because she black. I choose this case because it was one of the most important case to help African Americans to achieve a better education.

   Brown v. Board of Ed was a major case on so many reasons this case also happen right in the middle of civil right moment as well. This was a huge lynchpin in the south as black students was not allowed to attend school with white students. Black students was not allow to attend some of the better school in city or town which mean they wasn't getting the same education as white students. The fight with case was trying to make people see that these old southern racist ways was wrong and it was time for a change and no child she be deprived of a education no manner what race.  The Supreme Court decided that the long last law was totally wrong and unjust and it was time to change this law. This law has never really been challenged before so I was one of the laws that just stuck around for so long people just did not know are care about it. 

   I choose this cases because it opened some many doors for so many people like myself and others to receive a better education.  These kids put their life and their families life in danger for two reasons one for a better education and second to fight against a law that should had been changed. This wasn't no way a easy thing to do and at a age where you as a teenage you supposed to start to figure things out and start to map out your future and try to reach your life goals. For these kids to go to school and deal with all that pressure and hate for them to make though that part of their life they my upmost respect from me to fight for a better education. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Barack Obama Speech at 2004 DNC Convention

Barack Obama Speech at 2004 DNC Convention

            “For alongside our famous individualism, there's another ingredient in the American saga.  A belief that we are connected as one people. If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child. If there's a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for her prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it's not my grandmother. If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties. It's that fundamental belief? I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper? That makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single American family. "E pluribus Unum." Out of many, one.” Barack Obama

            Barack Obama’s keynote speech at the 2004 DNC convention was meant to introduce John Kerry to Americans as the chosen democratic candidate. Instead he captivated viewers and introduced himself to the world. The main point of his speech was that everyone in America is truly equal. That even if you came here for a better life or your family has been here for generations we should all have the same rights. That we are all family. It doesn’t matter what kind of life you lead we all deserve to achieve the American dream. Because we are family we should take care of each other and help each other prosper. Some of us have healthcare and some of us don’t. Some of us have homes and some of us sleep outside. This should not be the case. Essentially he’s saying we aren’t right as a country until we are right as a whole.

            This part of this speech in particular spoke to me because I see injustice every day. Is it possible to get everyone on the same playing field in America, in regards to things like healthcare, education, housing, and employment? No obviously not everyone but the percentage of those lacking these basic benefits are too high. Barack Obama feels that the people without can have a better life if not only the government gets involved but American people as well. I agree. Our government can sure do a better job of taking care of Americans. Perhaps saving money by not bailing out banks and giving tax breaks to companies that don’t need them. But we as people have become detached I feel and care more about we immediately encounter friends, family etc. When helping others can actually help your community and the nation as a whole.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

America's Most Gerrymandered Congressional District

"This election year we can expect to hear a lot about Congressional district gerrymandering, which is when political parties redraw district boundaries to give themselves an electoral advantage.
Gerrymandering is at least partly to blame for the lopsided Republican representation in the House. According to an analysis I did last year, the Democrats are under-represented by about 18 seats in the House, relative to their vote share in the 2012 election. The way Republicans pulled that off was to draw some really, really funky-looking Congressional districts."

Gerrymandering is a technique political parties have increasingly used over time to gain control of the government. By gaining electoral advantage they get more votes which in turns gives them more power. It is quite extrodinary how theyshift control which wouldnt ordinarily be theirs by moving boundry line for districts giving the other party seats while giving themselves enough seats to gain control.

I chose this passage because it shows directly one of the reasons Americans don't trust the government.  Politicians are constantly legally and illegally change things for their personal gain. When you have to use these tactics in order to win instead of gaining the vote by normal means it make us the people feel manipulated. Even though gerrymandering in sweetheart situations can be beneficial to parties who are under-represented or who have been gilted in the process before. More often this practice of gerrymandering just misrepresents an area and makes the people feel manipulated.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Citizenship and Social class

British sociologist T.H. Marshall once stated, “Civil rights gave legal powers whose use was drastically curtailed by class prejudice and lack of economic opportunity.  Political rights gave potential power whose exercise demanded experience, organisation and a change of ideas as to proper functions of government.  All these took time to develop. Social rights were at a minimum and were not woven into the fabric of citizens. The common purpose of statutory and voluntary effort was to abate the nuisance of poverty without disturbing the pattern of inequality of which poverty was the most obviously unpleasant consequences.”
Marshall spoke of the progress of civil, political, and social citizenship as a gradual sequence. One coming after the other. Civil Citizenship came first and established the laws and equality of the laws.  

Political rights followed with reform. The right to vote came to working people, women, and people of color. Marshall thought of social citizenship not just of belonging to a certain state or nation, but being a full member of the community. Otherwise known as being a part of society. It is often assumed that that social rights automatically happens, however it is something not so easily established and maintained. Because like Marshall stated it’s not “woven into the fabric of citizens”. This can be applied to us because there is a lack of community amongst Americans. People do not care enough about each other, try to walk in their shoes, or try to help each other.

I chose this passage because I feel like we as Americans need to progress more socially. Many problems we have whether it be with the government, police, or just personal. Result in or can be attributed to crime, discord, homelessness, hunger etc. Our government boasts patriotism but doesn’t take care of all its citizens. Police brutality is a constant subject. A source of conflict within the minority community because they feel like they are being judged and discriminated against. Then us as people never want to pay more taxes because we feel like it wouldn’t benefit us. But what about the others that may need? While there have been advances there is still more work to be done civilly, politically and socially. Because all children don’t receive the same education, health care isn’t uniform, and there are people who have no place to sleep at night. While these differences are still among it is hard for everyone to treat each other the same.

Friday, October 23, 2015

A lecture on the Anti-Slave Movement

            In 1855 before the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society, in bad health, Fredrick Douglass gave a lecture on the Anti-Slave Movement. The point of his lecture was to pinpoint the history of the anti-slavery movement and touch on its different branches or divisions. As an active abolitionist Fredrick Douglass believed understanding the movement was vital to its success. He was explaining the history of the movement so the society could make sense of it.

            The four divisions where The Garrison or the American Anti-Slavery, The Anti-Garrison or the Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, The Free Soil Party or Political Abolitionists, and Liberty Party or Gerrit Smith School of Abolitionists. He spoke first about The Garrison Anti-Slavery Society. Noting that they were also the oldest of the divisions. He didn’t agree with their no union with slaveholder’s initiative. He felt it would leave the slaves and their masters to fight their own battles, in their own way. He felt it would leave the slaves in a difficult position. He also felt like The Garrison Anti-Slavery Society switched its agenda from converting the nation to saving the North from ridicule. He then stated that The Anti-Garrison or the Foreign Anti-Slavery Society did not deviate from its original agenda. The Anti-Garrison Society used the church as it’s vessel to end slavery. He commends them for being factual and making progress while still stating he has issues with them because they don’t have someone like himself in the field lecturing and making speeches. The third division The Free Soil Party sole purpose is to release the Federal government from any responsibility of slavery. Needless to say they have no true mission in regards to the betterment of the slave. The last division he speaks of, The Liberty party, Douglass considers the only real abolition organization in the country. Mainly in New York while having supporters all over the North this division is more radical. Something Douglass felt was needed to promote true change. It wants slavery abolished everywhere. It deems slavery illegal and also feels the Federal government should have the power to strike down slavery everywhere. These branches were designed to teach people about the cruelty that is slavery. While also helping to abolish it and give the slaves hope and opportunities.

            Fredrick Douglass was born a slave and escaped slavery at the age of 20. He did not just relax in his freedom. He fought with his incredible speaking skills against the bondage of slavery. As an active abolitionist he used his writing and speaking skills to reach people and inform them on the importance of abolishing slavery. He realized that women societies among others were allies and smartly aligned with them to help spread the word. What he wanted to reinforce was that abolishing slavery need to be dealt with now or else it might lose momentum.   

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Constitution of The United States


                                                Constitution of The United States  

            In the Constitution of the United States in the Article I Section 5. States

Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.

Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

To me this part of the Constitution is stating that everyone should have a voice and be accountable in America, which is so important especially to what is going on in society.  Also this part of the Constitution is also holding people accountable to the laws and business that they trying to get passed in the house. If they were any wrong doing by any house member they would get the punished by the other houses members. I think congress really needs to focus on this part of the Constitution because I think a lot of Houses in congress have hidden agenda when laws and business is trying to get push though with no one notice how wrong the bill is for congress.

Each house keeps a Journal of its Proceedings and one in while this proceeding get publish now for I they think these processing should get put out to the public. I think if this happens people might man way more attention to the house. If this was made public for people to see in my opinion things that the House votes will not get passed due to the public out cry on some that bills or business. Also that you can’t adjourn for more than three days is good to because the longer some people wait they might change their mind on they that a bill votes.

This part of the Constitution should be push more just because of what society is now. These Journals should away be made for us the public going on in the House. I just think if they were some things just would not get pass us the American. Over all this part of the Constitution is very important and I think people do not know how important and how much this help a lot of people. Once people get the full understanding of this part of the Constitution they would truly respect this section of the Constriction.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Trans-National America by Randolph Bourne: Assignment 2#

                                               Trans-National America

   Trans-National America was suppose to be a place where different race and cultures live together and form different communities. I think Bourne was trying to state this in the passage and he also was stating the the immigrants was going to adapt to the Native American ways of living. Immigrants quest of a new life and better way of living was there goal.

   To me this was article was trying to that America is great with all the different type of people and nationalities. Which I totally believe this what America was suppose to be about people from our countries coming here and fine there dreams of better life better job and education or just freedom to have rights and opportunities. So with that everyone in America has there own beliefs there own language and even down to there own type of food they want to eat. All this immigrants help build and America and it also helps America grow in population and in economy to make America one of strongest nation in the world.

  I chose this article because it relates to what is going in America to with immigration being a major to in America today. People have come to America for years and most immigrants come for the same things immigrants came here in the past for a better life. Most immigrants are trying to escape there own country due to the poverty or wars that are going on in there country. I think everyone should have a chance to better them self and there family life in this country immigrants built this country up from slaves to immigrants coming to america to looking for a better way of life.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Excerpt from Despite Negativity, Americans Mixed on Ideal Role of Gov't

Excerpt from Despite Negativity, Americans Mixed on Ideal Role of Gov't
                “A majority of Americans (56%) say they would be willing to pay less in taxes and accept fewer services, rather than either leaving things as they are now or paying more taxes for more services.
                This supports the general position of some conservatives and libertarians, including GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul. They argue that citizens should want their government to do less, and thus collect fewer taxes. Liberals, on the other hand, have focused on the value of the services the government provides, particularly in terms of creating jobs and providing a social safety net, and the necessity of keeping tax revenue flowing in order to fund those services. Fewer than half of Americans, however, currently want to keep or add to the level of taxes and services they have now.
                As would be expected, 81% of Republicans would opt for reduced taxes and fewer services, as would 58% of independents. Democrats have more mixed reactions, but about two-thirds would either keep things as they are now (36%) or would opt for more services and more taxes (30%).”
                This passage shows the results of when Americans were asked would you rather have more government services if that meant more taxes, less government services in order to reduce taxes, or services and taxes as about we have them now.  Most Americans were willing to pay less taxes in exchange for fewer services. That means that most were not happy with the way things are and didn’t want to pay more taxes to get more services. This thinking is more in line with the Republican conservative agenda. Republicans as expected wanted reduced taxes and fewer services as well as most Independents. The majority of Americans wanting to pay less taxes in turn accepting fewer services is partly due to the Democratic Party’s mixed reaction to this question with approximately 36% choosing to keep things as they are now and 30% opting for more services and more taxes.
                Americans find it hard to be confident in our government structure and political leadership because we are so unhappy with the state of the economy.  With Americans being so unhappy with our financial state they are less inclined to give more money to the government. However there are still some people like myself who, even though aren’t we secure with our financial state, still recognize the need for the services these taxes provide. Especially for those citizens who are less fortunate. In times like these cutting back on services just create more problems. Like an increase in crime and homelessness. Many of the negatives views of government trickle down to issues we the people have with political issues and leaders. It is worth mentioning that the survey was taken during the time Obama was president and a whopping 81% of Republicans opted to reduce taxes. I feel that with the United States being such a powerful nation we need to show more of a united front when it comes to domestic matters. We need to support good programs and offer services to those who need them.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Government According to the People

Government According to the People

       The United States government is based on the principle of federalism, where power is divided between the federal government and state governments. However how federalism is interpreted and power divided has been up for debate for as long as we've had a government. This ongoing debate prompted website to conduct several surveys as part of a series on Americans' views on the role and performance of government.
      Based on a survey, conducted in 2010 and 2011, Americans are pretty much split down the middle on how involved the government should be. With 35% preferring a more involved government and 37% feeling that government should only provide the most basic functions. This was when asked to think more broadly about the purpose of government. According to another survey when asked if the Federal government has too much power by 2011 57% of Americans believe the federal government today has too much power. This particular survey spanned from 2003 – 2011 and it’s worth mentioning that Americans were least likely to be concerned about the government's power in the years immediately after 9/11. Views on government power also fluctuated with who was controlling the government at the time. For example is you were a democrat during the years when George W. Bush was president you most likely felt government had too much power.
      The surveys then started to be more specific. Asking if there is too much government regulation of business and industry. This survey spanned from 2002-2011 and in 2011 50% of Americans felt there was too much regulation of business and industry by the government. Numbers did dip drastically in February of 2002 but other graphs based on other surveys in this series proved that post 9/11 and during potential high terrorism times Americans were more trusting of government.  Republicans have been more likely to say there is too much government regulation of business than Democrats, but in Obama years, the difference between Democrat and Republican views on government regulation of business and industry greatly differed. Ironically the last two survey question yielded the same results. Most likely because they were so similar in nature. 56% of Americans feel that the government is trying to do too many things that should be left to individuals and businesses and the same amount said they would be willing to pay less in taxes and accept fewer services. These surveys demonstrate the difference between conservatives and liberals. While conservatives feel that Americans should want to do more for themselves and give less taxes. Liberals feel there is a value to the government taking taxes and doing more. Like providing services and programs not only the impoverished need
      Americans find it hard to be confident in our government structure and political leadership because we are so unhappy about the state of the economy.  Just seems like the divide and sometimes straight split demonstrated in many of the surveys pits us against each other. Many of the negatives views of government trickle down to issues we the people have with political issues and leaders. With the United States being such a powerful nation we need to show more of a united front when it comes to domestic matters.